Direct patient care providers (faculty, GME residents and fellows, medical and PA students only) who are required to wear scrubs in sterile areas, complete and submit this form for new ScrubX machine badge access or scrub credit issues.

For all surgical services staff, please request via the following link:

Surgical Services ScrubX request form

All others, please check with your department managment for scrub requirments.

DO NOT ENTER YOUR EMPLOYEE ID. Only enter your IClass, six digit badge number. The number is located on the back of your Iclass badge (Parkland if you are Parkland employed, UTSW if you are UT employed) at the very bottom, under the magnetic strip starts with either * or +. If you enter any other number, you will not be able to access the scrub machine.

Your request will be processed promptly during business hours.

Please remember to return the scrubs to the scrub machine after your rotation is over.

Thank you!

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